Friday, December 23, 2011

The New No Cell Phone While Driving Law

A driver of a motor vehicle may not use a wireless communication device to view, send, or compose an electronic message or engage other application software while operation a motor vehicle.”

The New Law is Here

The House Bill 55, prohibits any use of cell phone in school zone. This means texting and talking. Recently the National Transportation Safety Board wants to ban talking on the cell phone while driving illegal. When talking on the cell phone is basically extinct, the real objective on the law is to ban texting. This also targets everything else we use the cell phone for now, updating Facebook, taking photo graphs of the sunset, playing Angry Birds and so on. Studies suggest, having an engaging passenger in the back seat of the car is equally as distracting to the driver. We all agree, being on your phone or texting while driving is extremely dangerous but the issue remains as personal liberties are being taken away one-by-one. Even if the law was passed it will be extremely hard to enforce. In September 2010 a study of commercial drivers found that an accident is 163 times more likely is a driver is texting, e-mailing or accessing the internet.

The Cell Phone War Continues

There are devices in the market place that scramble cell phone signals. Many colleges in Denmark and Norway are now using the technology on their campuses. Also, logistic companies are requiring a call phone scrambler inside the semis to lower insurance costs. This also raises worry, cell phone scramblers will be required by law in all cars. Maybe even required to receive your license or pass your state inspection. Even though law does change as society changes, what is taking our freedom of cell phone use to far.

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